Percentage Calculator

What is
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What is a Percentage Calculator?

A percentage calculator is a handy tool that helps you calculate the percentage of a given number or find out what percentage a number represents of another number.

How to Use a Percentage Calculator?

Using a percentage calculator is simple. You typically need to input two values: the total number and the percentage you want to calculate. The calculator then does the math for you and displays the result.

For example, if you want to find out 20% of 150, you would input 150 as the total number and 20 as the percentage. The calculator would then display the result, which is 30.

Why Use a Percentage Calculator?

Percentage calculations are common in various fields such as finance, mathematics, science, and more. A percentage calculator simplifies these calculations and saves time. It eliminates the need for manual calculations, reducing the risk of errors.


A percentage calculator is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to perform percentage calculations regularly. Whether you're calculating discounts, tax rates, or interest rates, a percentage calculator can help you get accurate results quickly.

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